
Global Concept


Before one conceives, it is quite important that you make up your mind and plan to have a baby. If not; it might be seen like a man building a mansion without planning and a foundation. This is because child caring and upbringing is a vital job, also being a mother is quite an interesting job; since we are raising a fellow human being. A child’s foundation is very important in the development of the human being; just as the foundation of a building determines the size and nature of the building, we also have to be very careful in the upbringing of a child during the early years. This includes the environment at which a child is brought up, the character of the individuals who would participate in the child’s upbringing and many other factors.

It is quite disheartening when a woman just get pregnant without a partner (husband) and very important the resources for the upbringing of the child. Then after nine months a child is born, then come the question what next. I am worried in this kind of development because at this stage; the mother of the new born has just embarked on a new responsibility. She would have to feed very well to be able to breast feed the new born. There are some special meal she need to feed on to be able to acquire most of if not all the required nutrients for the best development of the new born, who need such nutrients as, calcium, Vitamins, Minerals etc. In addition before a woman conceives, she also need to have enough nutrients in her system to be able to have a healthy baby. During the period of the pregnancy she also need tangible nutrients for the full and proper development of the growing fetus in her womb. If this is not well taken care of she might end up having the type of baby she would not be proud of. All these mean cost. Now if there is no preparation, how can this journey be smooth? How would the new and/or young mother be happy and fulfilled? This is why I believe that there must be proper planning and preparation before a woman should start the baby making process.

Once a woman delivers a baby, her whole world would take a new turn. Especially if it is her first baby. You cannot Imagine the transformation from being alone, suddenly to being a mother. Now you no longer have yourself and time, there must be considerations before any decision is taken, since you now have another human to draw you back. You cannot just get up and go to any where especially if you are all alone, you will consider how and where to safe keep your young one, or you have to go with him every where and go through the stress all by yourself.

Dear Reader, kindly let me know your take(s) on my thoughts so far. Meanwhile Let us stop here for now, next time we would look into other parenting process.


In a layman’s language; conception can be said to be the coming together of the male and female organisms of human to form another human being which can be male or female. In essence it is the starting process of giving birth to another human. The question now is how does this process take place? It occurs when the male spermatozoa is joined to the female ovary during intercourse to form an embryo which develops into another human and/or humans. This embryo development can be a single embryo or a multiple one.

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